At the Regional show we will have 3 different Raffles 🙂
The first one you can allready buy tickets for – the Raffle with a beatiful Quilt, to keep you warm in winter or as a bedsheet.
This queen size quilt will be given away in a special raffle during the dinner at the EN Regional show.
You can buy tickets by sending a mail to
1 ticket €10,- / DKK 75,-
5 tickets €45,- / DKK 335,-
10 tickets €85,- / DKK 635,-
If you cant be there no problem we find a way to get it to you!
Paypal: (remember to pay the fee)
For danes mobilepay: 997450

The second one will be a Raffle with prizes from each Country from the region.
So we invite you all to bring something from your own country for this raffle.
It can be a souvenir, candy, chocolate, drinks or what you think is special from your Country.
Bring the prizes friday or saturday morning, we will make sure to have a basket for each country.
We are looking forward to try this and we are looking forward to seeing what you all will bring.
It will take place on saturday.
The money from this Raffle will go to the Regional Fund.
The third will be a normal Viking Cats Raffle, with great stuff for both the cats and their owners.
This will take place on sunday.
Remember to bring cash, you can also pay with Paypal and the danes with mobilepay.